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<aside> Hi, I'm Duong, a PhD student at the ETH AI Center in Zurich. I work at the intersection of Machine Learning and Neuroscience, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Benjamin Grewe and Prof. Dr. Luc Van Gool.

My research interest is to

I enjoy working at the ETH AI Center, where I can collaborate with researchers and companies from various fields in Machine Learning which led to collaborations with groups in Human-Computer-Interfaces, Education, Neuroscience, Psychology, Hardware, and Computer Vision.

I am always happy to meet new people and learn more about their ongoing projects. Feel free to reach out over email for chatting or collaborations!





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Where you can meet me next

Let me know if you also plan to join one of the upcoming events and would like to meet up! 🙂

Research focus

Here I give an overview on my research interests which are:

Applying new data analysis or ML methods to analyze multi-modal time series data

Understanding more about the brain and developing models

Conferences and publications